Note: The information provided varies among the different data sources. In some cases, only list prices are available, while in others information of the actual price is available (transacted price).
A pdf and excel document can be downloaded from the website and provides maximum prices of medicines by active ingredients for public purchases, price factory, and maximum price of sale to the government (PMVG) (last version May 2019). A pdf and excel file with maximum prices to consumers (PMC) are also available (last version April 2019). Previous versions of the list are also available from April 2003 to consumers and from April 2011 to the government at http://portal.anvisa.gov.br/anos-anteriores.
A list of public drug prices in Luxembourg updated regularly (last version January 2019).
The database of the Netherlands Healthcare Institute (Zorginstituut Nederland) provides information about medicines prices and reimbursements in the Netherlands. It shows the "pharmacy purchase price" (inclusive of 9%VAT, but exclusive of the dispensing fee for the pharmacist). The data is updated monthly.
The database includes prices that have been negotiated by the United States Federal Supply Schedule Service with additional pricing concessions for the US Department of Veterans Affairs in return for a commitment to potential vendors. It is updated twice a month. The list indicates whether prices are under national contract (NC), Federal Supply Schedule prices, or prices reserved for the "Big 4", which are four largest federal purchasers of pharmaceuticals.