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Note: The information provided varies among the different data sources. In some cases, only list prices are available, while in others information of the actual price is available (transacted price).

The Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme lists medicines subsidised by the Australian Government, an A-Z medicine listing providing a complete description of the product. The website also explains the system of price premiums awarded by the government to encourage generic medicines.

A pdf and excel document can be downloaded from the website and provides maximum prices of medicines by active ingredients for public purchases, price factory, and maximum price of sale to the government (PMVG) (last version May 2019). A pdf and excel file with maximum prices to consumers (PMC) are also available (last version April 2019). Previous versions of the list are also available from April 2003 to consumers and from April 2011 to the government at

This database provides information about all public purchases (transaction prices) by the Federal government of Brazil. It is possible to search by key terms, including medicine’s INN (in Portuguese).

The Ministry of Health of Colombia provides a tool with information on transaction prices reported in 2017 in the country (in Spanish). provides information on prices of medicines (list price) and reimbursements. Prices are updated twice a month.

The database includes information about the price of medicines (list price) marketed in Finland, and generic equivalents.

This database of the Ministry of Health of France provides general information about all the medicines available in France, including prices for medicines reimbursed by the public health system (in French).

List of Reference Prices for Medicinal Products, which is the maximum amount reimbursed by the statutory health insurance fund. The current (and prior) lists of reference prices for medicinal products and additional information can be downloaded from the "Downloads" on the German website.

The Ministry of Health of India provides information about prices, suppliers and manufacturers of selected medicines.

A list of public drug prices in Luxembourg updated regularly (last version January 2019).

The database of the Netherlands Healthcare Institute (Zorginstituut Nederland) provides information about medicines prices and reimbursements in the Netherlands. It shows the "pharmacy purchase price" (inclusive of 9%VAT, but exclusive of the dispensing fee for the pharmacist). The data is updated monthly.

Legemiddelsøk is a database of approved and marketed pharmaceuticals. It notably provides information on market authorisation, prices, and reimbursement.

This Excel file (updated January 2019) includes price and reimbursement information on all prescription medicines with a maximum price in Norway. The list discloses the maximum pharmacy purchase price, and the maximum pharmacy retail price.

The Price Inquiry Module lists public prices of drugs in Peru. Those prices are reported directly by authorised pharmacies and shops.

Infomed contains information such as the name of medicinal products, active ingredients (INN/generic name), dosage form, retail price and reimbursement rate.

The South African Medicines Price Registry provides an excel file with information on manufacturer prices (last version December 2018).

TLV, an agency of the Sweden government, keeps a database with information on medical products and medical devices, including prices (last updated on November 2017).

The Ministry of Public Health of Thailand provides information on prices of medicines and medical supplies in the country.

The database includes prices that have been negotiated by the United States Federal Supply Schedule Service with additional pricing concessions for the US Department of Veterans Affairs in return for a commitment to potential vendors. It is updated twice a month. The list indicates whether prices are under national contract (NC), Federal Supply Schedule prices, or prices reserved for the "Big 4", which are four largest federal purchasers of pharmaceuticals.


A list of sources to find national prices of medicines, availability, affordability and prices components compiled by Health Action International - HAI.

A list of resources for finding drug prices in the United States and other countries compiled by KEI - Knowledge Ecology International.


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The Knowledge Network on Innovation and Access to Medicines is a project of the Global Health Centre at the Graduate Institute, Geneva. The project seeks to maximize the contributions of research and analysis to producing public health needs-driven innovation and globally-equitable access to medicines.

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